Industrial Injury Disablement Benefit (IIDB)

Who is it for?
Those who are 14 per cent or more disabled through industrial accident or disease (1 per cent for certain diseases)

Who pays it?
Job Centre Plus

Which leaflet? And how is it claimed?
N16 form provided on request from local Job Centre Plus office.

What are the age limits?
None, but lower rates for under-18s.

National Insurance based?

Means tested?

How long does it last?
Awards for various periods, up to life.

What is effect on other benefits?
Counts in full for all means tested benefits unless local discretion used for HB/Council Tax Benefit.

Is it taxable?

Increases for dependants?

Payable if in EU or other?
Yes, but check the rules for extra payments.

Points to watch
If disablement becomes more severe, it is always possible to apply for reassessment – but don’t delay as no backdating in normal circumstances.

You can view details of benefit amounts on the Community Care Inform website

The A-Z of Benefits 2009 was compiled by Gary Vaux and Community Care Inform


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