War Disablement Pension (various)

(claims for injuries on or after 06.04.05 will be considered under the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme)

Who is it for?
Those disabled during service in the forces, or as civilians, where payment in place by 06.04.05

Who pays it?
Service Personnel and Veterans Agency (SPVA)
Freephone: 0800 169 2277 (claims)
Textphone: 0800 169 3458
E-mail   help@veteransagency.gsi.gov.uk
Internet  www.veteransagency.mod.uk

Which leaflet? How is it claimed?
Service Personnel and Veterans Agency

What are the age limits?

National Insurance based?

How long does it last?

What is the effect on other benefits?
Sometimes disregarded in means tested benefits. Payments to former Far East prisoners of war are fully disregarded as capital.

Is it taxable?

Increases for dependants?

Payable if in EU or other?
Yes, but check uprating variations.

Points to watch
Payments can be made to dependents of people whose death has been caused or substantially hastened by service in HM Forces. Scheme includes additional payments for mobility, attendance, hearing loss, unemployability, reduced earnings, clothing, etc. payments can be reviewed and increased if disability worsens.  

The A-Z of Benefits 2009 was compiled by Gary Vaux and Community Care Inform.

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