Who is it for?
People aged 60 or over by 27th September 2009 who are ordinarily resident in Great Britain. (and within EEA in some circumstances)
Who pays it?
The Pensions Disability and Carers Service
Which leaflet? And how is it claimed?
Should be paid automatically but claims may be needed from people who are not in receipt of retirement pension or other benefits. Call 08459 151515 or from www.dwp.gov.uk. Claim by 31/3/10 for 2009 payment
What are the age limits?
60 or over in qualifying week (will rise in line with retirement pension from April 2010)
National Insurance based?
Means tested?
How long does it last?
Payment is annual.
What is effect on other benefits?
None – disregarded as capital and income.
Is it taxable?
Increases for dependants?
Payable if in EU or other?
Must be normally resident in UK or Northern Ireland.
Points to watch
not paid if receiving free inpatient treatment for more than 52 weeks nor if in care home and getting pension credit
You can view details of benefit amounts on the Community Care Inform website
The A-Z of Benefits 2009 was compiled by Gary Vaux and Community Care Inform
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