Morris decries class divide in education

The UK has an education system that is deeply divided by social
class, according to the education secretary Estelle Morris.

“At every stage throughout our education system we have not yet
broken that link between poverty and educational attainment,”
Morris told the TUC conference last week.

Just 14 per cent of children of unskilled workers go to university,
compared with 78 per cent of children from families with middle
class incomes. She said that the achievement of a socially
inclusive society was “hugely dependent on getting education and
skills right”.

The money from the spending review should create “an education
system for every child, for every person, for every citizen”, she

“All that needs to happen is for the children of the poor to
achieve, as well as the children of the rich, for black children to
achieve as well as white children, and, dare I say it, for boys to
achieve as well as girls,” Morris said.

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