Good housing is a lottery, says report

Londoners with severe mental health problems are missing out on
housing because of a postcode lottery, according to new

The report, released as part of the King’s Fund mental health
inquiry, finds that the amount of specialist housing available in
different London boroughs varies significantly and has no
correlation to need.

It reveals that the amount of supported housing available for
mental health sufferers has declined per head over the past five
years, and the overall quality of housing available is

Meanwhile, a new report from the Commission for Health Improvement
finds that, despite some mental health trusts making progress by
developing new services and providing alternatives to hospital
admission, many are starting from a low base, have weaknesses in
their use of information and have failed to integrate

– Housing for Londoners with Mental Health Needs from 020
7307 2591 and Emerging Themes from Mental Health Trust

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