Staff to take action at Liverpool Council

    Children’s services at Liverpool Council look set to be disrupted
    after social workers voted overwhelmingly for industrial action
    because of concerns over workloads.

    Of the 145 Unison social workers balloted, 94.5 per cent voted in
    favour of starting industrial action from next week.

    This will include working to rule, not covering for staff vacancies
    or sickness, refusing to carry out administration duties, and
    refusing to use personal cars to visit clients.

    If this fails to bring management to the negotiating table, 90 per
    cent of those balloted are in support of plans for three days of
    strike action in February and March.

    Unison social services convener Christina Doyle said social workers
    didn’t want to strike but “hoped it would send a message to
    management to come to the table”.

    The move follows accusations by the union that the council was
    risking the confidentiality of client information because of new
    working practices (news, page 8, 29 January).

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