Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services

Edited by Greg Richardson and Ian Partridge.
Gaskell (Royal College of Psychiatrists)
ISBN 190124296

Presented as “an operational handbook” this work is exactly
that. The excellent introductory chapter shows real understanding
of the problems of child and adolescent mental health services
which are described as a “small, unusual specialty often
ill-understood by those who work within, and those trying to use,
them”. Recognition is given to the emotionally draining aspects of
the work and the need for practitioners to maintain a sense of

This book does not duck the problems. It spells out the management
requirements of the specialist service: the way it must link to
other parts of the whole; the specific needs of those with dual
diagnosis; paediatric liaison; the legislative framework; clinical
governance requirements – all of which are areas integral to a
comprehensive service for children and young people with mental
health problems.

It is clear that the authors have current practice experience,
including recognition of the impact of the Human Rights Act 1998
and the real difficulties of consumer involvement in children and
adolescent mental health services’ development. There are also
helpful glossary and reference sections.

Dinah Morley is deputy director, YoungMinds.

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