Is stem cell research morally justifiable?

Is stem cell research morally

Len smith

Gypsy activist

I’ve thought long and hard about abortion and foetus use/misuse.
Stem cell researchÊmay have the answer to many problems, and
could lead to organ repair and cures as yet undreamed of. Maybe
Christopher Reeve was dreaming beyond reality, yet his persistence
did bring the matter into open debate.

Shaun Webster


self-advocacy group

I think stem cell research should go ahead. It will help people
with things like heart problems and diabetes and one day might even
provide a cure for cancer. I believe it could help everyone and I
can’t see anything wrong with it.

Karen Shook

Disability equality adviser

Christopher Reeve wanted to find a “cure” for his disability. It is
very understandable for us to want to turn back the clock. A major
part of gaining self-acceptance is emotional and psychological
support. But lack of access and inappropriate attitudes in society
makes this very hard.

Joan Scott

Director, Action Unlimited

If people want to do all they can to get out of a wheelchair then
the best of luck to them – but not if it means interfering with
human life. I’m not a particularly religious person but I just
think messing about with embryos is wrong – to me there is a life
there even if it is just a few cells.

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