Middle Class Parents Get Most From Advice

Fathers, older parents and parents with lower qualifications are
less likely to seek or use advice on parenting than others, a Home
Office survey has found.

Parents with qualifications below A level sought advice less
often than the more qualified, and were less likely to know where
to find it.

Less satisfaction with the parenting advice available was
reported by disabled parents, lone parents and parents who live
apart from their children.

The survey of 15,655 parents in England and Wales – which
included a large number from ethnic minority groups – asked
about the quantity and quality of both formal advice on parenting
and informal sources of information and practical help.

Although there were lower satisfaction rates with advice
services among ethnic minority parents, this was found to be due to
higher levels of deprivation and single parenthood in this

However, parents with a Chinese background were less likely than
white parents to have had regular practical help from family and
friends with their children.

And Asian parents had a lower awareness of the advice on offer
than white parents.

89 per cent of parents were satisfied with the quantity and
quality of parenting advice.

• Meeting Parents’ Needs for Information can be
downloaded from: www.homeoffice.

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