Adolescent substance misuse


Dr Ian Sutherland, Russell House Publishing

ISBN 190385539X, £14.95

Star Rating: 5/5

The author was a psychologist whose work will be familiar to
many; sadly he died soon after this book was published. Intended
first for parents, the book has developed and can be used by a
wider audience, Its message is that knowledge and awareness enables
earlier preventive actions by those close to young people at risk.
A great deal of information and expert knowledge is offered in a
clear accessible form.

Brief content statements for each chapter set the tone of
clarity, informed simplicity and applicability. Readers can choose
where to begin and can then work backwards, to deepen their

Sutherland has no magic wand. He advises workers to be aware,
communicate with the young person and seek help.

This book provides a basis to avoid being overwhelmed by the
task and find routes into assistance.

Frances Croot is learning and development manager,
Norfolk Council.

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