If you ask me…

Which health or social care staff have been most help for

SSAFA Forces Help Adoption Services. We would not have our sons
without them.

If you ran care services in your area what would you do

I would make all procedures people-friendly. That way people would
know what was happening to them, why it was happening, and what the
most likely outcome was going to be, explained in ways even a child
would understand.

What three words best describe you?
Stubborn, outgoing, happy.

What event most changed your life?
Meeting my adoptive sons for the first time and realising now I had
to grow up!

Has any government policy ever benefited you

Adoption leave for partners.

What is your greatest achievement?
My eldest son saying “I love you mum” and knowing he means
it because I am doing a good job of being his mum.

What makes you happy?
When my sons run out of school at the end of day and are
pleased to see me.

When were you last angry?
Today, when a woman ran her trolley into my son and told
me I should keep him under control – he was behaving himself.

When did you last cry?
When the magistrate said “congratulations” and our sons
were legally adopted, and the youngest saying ‘you’re stuck with me

Who would you like to swap places with?
My mum, then I could find out how she coped with me and my
sister when we were young.

How would you like to be remembered?
As someone who tried her best.

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