Senior managers, teachers and assistants should be given
systematic training in behaviour management, in a bid to tackle
disruptive pupils, says a new report by the Office for Standards in
Education (Ofsted).
The report, Managing Challenging Behaviour, analyses behaviour
in early years’ provision, mainstream and special schools,
pupil referral units (PRUs), secure training centres and
The most common form of poor behaviour is persistent, low-level
disruption of lessons, more often by boys than girls, while extreme
acts of violence remain very rare, say researchers. But wide
variations in schools’ own reporting of ‘challenging
behaviour’ reflect the confusion about its meaning.
Many disruptive children have special educational needs and many
have poor language skills. Literacy problems often start early and
continue into secondary school, limiting academic achievement and
fostering disengagement.
But strong leadership, effective teaching and an appropriate
curriculum make behaviour significantly better. Other factors that
improve behaviour include: consistent rewards for good behaviour; a
strong sense of community and close links with parents.
The report recommends that schools, colleges and PRUs should
provide training in behaviour management, and improve the literacy
and communication skills of pupils with difficult behaviour. It
calls on local education authorities to build on current teacher
training programmes.
Managing Challenging Behaviour is available on the Ofsted
website at:
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