On the up

    Predicting how staff skills can benefit an organisation is a
    challenge in ever-changing social services departments. So it is
    incumbent upon managers to nurture employees’ capabilities – and a
    staff development framework can hold the key.

    One social services department found it difficult to recruit
    front-line managers. The applications from internal staff were not
    meeting the criteria, despite their experience. By drawing
    attention to this and profiling existing managers, evidence of a
    “glass ceiling” emerged. This metaphorical barrier can lead to
    potential biases in opportunities for particular groups of staff
    wanting to progress to management posts.(1) By championing the case
    for diversity in the management structure, the department developed
    an initiative to improve the situation.
    The department, like many at other councils, was struggling to meet
    demands from its staff development budget and training resources.
    To justify investment in developing staff, it capitalised on
    several opportunities:

    • The implementation of a staff development strategy and
      performance review system emphasising the motivation of individuals
      towards self-development.
    • Shifting roles for some staff in the department towards greater
      responsibilities for management type functions such as delegated
      budgets, supervising and coaching others.
    • A clear strategic equality programme. National research,
      combined with local knowledge, confirmed the potential exclusion of
      certain staff groups from management.(2)
    • The drive to support staff in achieving qualifications in
      social care.(3) Positive action initiatives aimed at staff from
      minority and disadvantaged groups to consider their management
      potential was important within the overall objectives.
    • The beginning of a more sophisticated approach to workforce
      planning and a joint review that emphasised the need to achieve and
      maintain a strategic fit of employees with local service

    A three-pronged approach was adopted. After promoting the
    programme through a series of workshops, staff from
    under-represented groups were targeted and recruited. The aspiring
    managers programme was based on an existing in-house management
    certificate in health and social care delivered on site by a local
    university. A modular approach combined formal teaching,
    self-directed study and work-based learning, assessed by

    Participants were supported to carry out practical management
    work-based learning activities, including shadowing and
    observation. This helped them transfer theory to practice. All were
    provided with an in-house experienced manager mentor, recruited and
    trained specifically to meet the programme’s objectives.

    Fourteen staff completed the programme: 70 per cent were from
    ethnic minorities, 60 per cent were women, and lesbian and gay
    staff were also included. Within six months of completion, eight
    were in management posts, including deputy and acting up

    Participants spoke highly of the opportunity to share new
    experiences with “like” colleagues in the workplace. What they
    valued most was a reported increase in professional confidence
    linked to an increased responsibility. This enriched their
    relationships with line managers, peer groups and service users.
    Mentoring relationships were particularly useful and helped to
    develop appreciation and respect for managers and the work they do.
    Participants were less enthusiastic about their increased workload
    during the course.

    Mentors found the experience rewarding on both personal and
    professional levels. They became more aware of their own practice
    and experiences. Some mentors reported minor conflicts between the
    vision and aims of the organisation and the day-to-day issues
    arising for staff on the programme.

    Development of management staff often takes place by sponsoring
    staff on external programmes with set performance targets allowing
    senior managers to get on with other priorities. This aspiring
    managers programme challenged these practices as the department had
    to sign up to it and deal with the
    cultural issues that inevitably arise with positive action training
    initiatives. Strategic ownership did not always permeate down
    through the organisation. Changes in culture do not happen

    Outcomes from such initiatives can be difficult to evaluate. As
    well as numbers of staff completing, we were interested in the
    added benefits, such as organisational learning and career
    opportunities for those involved – to mention just a few. This
    points to the need for a longer-term evaluation. The aspiring
    managers programme had a positive effect on most participants who
    realised the importance of continuous learning and personal

    It is always risky doing something different while having to
    justify returns and value for money. Employees on the aspiring
    managers programme reported psychological rewards; they felt more
    valued by the organisation and were encouraged to undertake more
    interesting and challenging work within it. This is important in
    working towards a “learning organisation” and motivating staff
    through change.(5)

    The organisation wanted to create a win-win scenario with a
    shared understanding of the skills, knowledge and competences
    desirable in managers. This was an experimental approach to
    developing management using traditional methods of management
    development, tailored to a group of potentially disadvantaged
    staff. It is important to use current resources and build on the
    potential and aspirations of people already working in the
    organisation. The success of this project highlights the usefulness
    of initiatives towards effective workforce development.


    Developing staff for managerial roles is a challenge. This
    article describes a strategic equality initiative assisting a local
    authority social services department with planning and developing
    its aspiring managers. Evaluation of this initiative contributes to
    our understanding of management development practices in social


    1. C Baxter, Managing Diversity and Inequality in Health Care,
      Bailliere Tindall Press, 2001
    2. IDeA and LRDL, Perceptions and Prospects, IDeA publications,
      2004. Obtainable from www.idea.gov.uk/publications
      or ec logistics, PO Box 364, Hayes, Middlesex UB3 1US, tel: 020
      8867 3298
    3. Topss England, Modernising the Social Care Workforce, 2000
      available from www.topss.org.uk
    4. A Rowe, Should I Stay or Should I Go, Topss England, 2003
    5. A Clarke, Learning Organisations: What They Are and How to
      Become One, National Institute of Adult Continuing Education, 2001,
      from www.niace.org.uk

    Further Information

    • Equal Opportunities Commission, Managing Successful Positive
      Action, 2004. www.eoc.org.ukcseng/advice.
      The EOC also has an equality exchange network for employers,
      trainers and consultants in England. E-mail to equex@eoc.org.uk
    • Social Care Institute for Excellence, Management Best Practice
      Book in Social Care, 2002, from www.scie.org.uk

    Contact the Author

    E-mail: hafforpj@lsbu.ac.uk

    Trish Hafford-Letchfield is a senior lecturer in social
    work at South Bank University, London. She has an interest in human
    resource and management development and has several years’
    experience managing adult services in social services.


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