If you ask me…

Who has had the biggest influence on you?
My mother. She was in a wheelchair, which made me aware of how
difficult it was for people with physical disabilities.

Which professional has been most use to you?
Debbie Whittenbury, NSO’s Making it Real project adviser.

If you ran care services in your area what would you do

Make sure all documents are accessible and easy to

Name one thing that would make your life better?

Having my own transport.

What event most changed your life?
Owning my own home.

Has any government policy ever benefited you

Valuing People white paper.

What would you ban?

Who is your dream date?

Actor David Thewlis.

What is your greatest achievement?

Being co-chair of Wokingham learning disability partnership board
and board member of NSO and New Dimensions Group.

What makes you happy?
Realising my dream of going to the Lord Mayor show after waiting 24

Who would you like to swap places with?
Steve Inch, chief executive of NSO.

Who do you most admire?
Author JK Rowling.

How would you like to be remembered?
Someone who made a difference to the lives of people with
learning difficulties.

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