More social services leaders take up childrens services director roles

Social care leaders are increasing their share of
children’s services director jobs as councils open posts up
to competition, a Community Care survey has revealed,
by Community Care reporters.

A poll of 116 of England’s 150 social services departments
found that a quarter of councils that have appointed directors have
plumped for social care professionals.

A similar survey conducted last October found just one-sixth of
jobs had gone to social services leaders.

However, the latest poll also raises concerns about an exodus of
social care leaders from the field, with one-fifth of those not
appointed to children’s roles retiring.

This survey finds 58 per cent of councils have made
appointments, up from 29 per cent last October, while a further 20
per cent plan to appoint before the end of the year.

Social care leaders said the sector’s increasing share of
children’s director jobs reflected the fact that more
councils were advertising posts externally.



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