New skills and roles

Some practical examples of new ways of working were aired in a
session at LIVE run by Skills for Care, formerly training body
Topss England, on some of the pilot projects that it has

The Such project was set up and is run by service users in and
around Taunton, Somerset. It involves holistic medicines, massages,
making food and fruit drinks and generally finding the time to talk
and relax. The project focuses on service users interacting and
controlling their own time and activities; rather than have
professionals in charge of the project. Service users reported
improvements in their quality of life and well-being.

Another project in the Laurels Care Home in Carlisle helped and
improved the well-being of people with dementia. It involved
replacing the traditional approach to working with residents such
as regular meals and toilet time with one based on greater
interaction.  More time was spent with residents doing activities
such as dancing, gardening, hairdressing or just talking. The
six-month project was so successful that the residents are now
telling staff what they want.  However traditional nursing and
social care roles were challenged as staff took part in more
psychosocial activities such as talking and listening to users.

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