Pc Marcus Kudliskis joined Waverley School as a safer schools
partnership officer in October 2004.
“I wanted this job because I love dealing with children. My parents
are teachers and if I hadn’t joined the police I would have been a
“I feel that if police intervene early we can show that there is a
different side to what we do, that we can help and are there for
young people’s safety.
“It was a few months before the students started to approach me
with problems because they wanted to suss me out first. I
introduced myself at their year assemblies and it helped that I got
involved with the citizenship lessons, covering issues such as
drugs awareness.
“Some of the teachers thought it was inappropriate to have a police
officer in the school Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, but once they
saw I was prepared to get involved, they were fine.
“I work with agencies including the youth offending team, social
services and education welfare. Referrals are made by computer and
once a term we all meet to discuss the needs of specific children
who are then assigned to a particular worker. I’m also involved in
mentoring a student at risk of being permanently excluded.
“I deal with things such as petty crime, bullying, and common
assault. Before, during and after school, I patrol the school and
surrounding streets to heighten police presence to prevent and
deter crime.
“When I have to arrest a student I arrange for them to come to the
police station with an appropriate adult so it doesn’t interfere
with their schooling. On one occasion, I had to handcuff a violent
pupil but this was a one-off incident where I had no choice.
“A lot of police don’t want this job because they feel that dealing
with children is very demanding because it involves more paperwork.
But I love my job.”
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