Eastwood Drugs CD ROM

Eastwood Drugs CD ROM
Stepping Stones residents, Leicester Housing Association
Available from 0116 2576703


I thought this CD Rom was ok but I’m not sure it gets the
anti-drugs message across strongly enough, writes
Siobhan Slowey

What’s missing for me is the punch line that tells you just what
can happen if you take drugs.

The CD Rom is divided into three main areas: cannabis, ecstasy
and heroin. There are short clips about each type of drug and then
buttons you can click for facts.

But the first clip is a cartoon about a young person trying
cannabis for the first time and I just don’t think that it got the
point across that drugs were dangerous. Equally, the one about
ecstasy just didn’t really say enough.

I liked part of the CD Rom on heroin. It was a poem read by a
young woman about how horrible her life was because of heroin and
it seemed a bit more realistic to me.

Most of the facts on each of the drugs were useful.

I think it’s good that young people care about this and have
taken the time to make this. But if it had been up to me, I’d have
made a film that used shock tactics.

Produced by Siobhan Slowey, 16, at
. Children’s Express is a programme of learning through
journalism for young people aged eight to 18.

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