Name: Lloyds TSB Foundations
Contact details:
Central Office at: Lloyds TSB Foundations, 3rd Floor, 4 St. Dunstan’s Hill, London EC3R 8UL. Tel 0870 411 1223,
Regional offices listed at:
What is it?
There are four independent Lloyds TSB Foundations, one each for England and Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the Channel Islands. The trust aims to offer regionally based, grass roots support to projects working in the fields of social and community needs, training and education.
Who runs it?
Formed in 1986 at the TSB Group’s flotation, the foundations receive 1% of the group’s pre-tax profits. The foundations are legally independent of Lloyds TSB Group, have a full time staff of around 35 and are overseen by an independent boards of trustees.
How much money does it give away?
£22.5m is available for 2005
How big is each grant?
The average grant in 2004 was œ5,800 for work at local or regional level and œ15,100 for nationwide projects. Around three-quarters of grants are one-off payments.
Who or what is the money intended for?
Around 65% of funds are given to projects working at a local or regional level. The aim is to support charities that contribute to local community life at the grassroots level. Grants are given to promote capacity building, and strategic and collaborative working within the voluntary sector. Around two thirds of grants are used for core funding including salary costs.
What kind of projects are eligible?
There are three grant-giving programmes:
* Community programme: This distributes 90% of funds. Grants are given according to priorities set by the individual regions.
* Collaborative programme: Grants to support co-operation between charities.
* New initiatives: Grants to extend successfully piloted projects.
Who can apply?
Registered charities working in one of the following areas: family support; challenging disadvantage and discrimination; helping to make the voluntary sector more effective; education and training; and social and community needs.
How do I apply?
Application forms can be downloaded from and must be returned by post. Applicants are strongly advised to contact their regional office for advice before completing the form.
When should I apply?
The board meets once every three months.
How long does the process take?
Your application will be confirmed within a week. You should receive notification of the outcome within three months.
How will the Foundations monitor our performance?
You must submit your most recent annual report and most recent accounts with your application form. Projects receiving a grant over two years must fill in a monitoring and evaluation form before receiving the second payment. Monitoring is also carried out via staff visits and telephone calls.
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