Web review



The relationship between the state and parenting in the UK can at
times be confusing and negative, writes Graham
. Yet in some Scandinavian countries, for
example, governments recognise that parenting is a difficult job
and make stigma-free training and guidance universally

Here, the perception remains that the state only gets involved when
things go wrong: if you attend parenting classes it’s because
you’re a self-confessed failure or have been told to by social

This recently re-launched website by the national charity
Parentline Plus draws on research, knowledge and real parental
experience to provide an excellent resource for everyone who

It’s full of top tips (from how to deal with a toddler tantrum in a
supermarket to truancy) and is simple and easy to use.

It is a much-needed (but one suspects sadly under-used) resource
that from which even the world’s best parent (even if you have the
mug to prove it) would learn something.

The charity and its fine website exists, as its cute strapline has
it, “because instructions are not included.”

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