President pledges to press government for resources
Hughes calls for action to tackle antisocial parents
Aynsley-Green questions use of asbos
Wanless: demand for intensive services may not decline
Hewitt: social care will not be marginalised
Disabled people unaware of services
Councillor urges change in commissioning of health and social care
Early intervention costs, Coughlan warns
Government exercises excessive controls over public services, Tories warns
Hewitt charm offensive hints at higher pay and more funding for sector
Inspectors to focus on safeguarding children
Disabled group takes protest to parallel conference
Hampshire chief warns against hopes of saving money through early intervention
Joint fund call for adult care and health
Wanless scotches claims on prevention
Aynsley-Green criticises manner of detention of asylum-seeking children
Bill aims for more rights for disabled people
‘eBay should inspire future of social care’
Children’s minister tells agencies to consider benefits of private providers
Directors call again for more cash for boards
Domestic violence services failing children
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