Some schools fail to prioritise children in care

Some schools are still failing to give priority to looked-after children in their admissions processes, according to a new report.

The Office of the Schools Adjudicator upheld or partially upheld 27 out of 35 referrals objecting to schools’ failure to admit looked-after children ahead of others, its annual report for 2004-5 reveals.

Over-subscribed schools are meant to give priority to looked-after children in admissions, but the Education and Skills Select Committee found last year that this guidance was often “set aside”.

Another report published this week highlights the difficulties faced by disadvantaged families in school admissions.

The proportion of children receiving free school meals who are admitted to church primary schools in some parts of England is far lower than their representation in the population in surrounding areas, says research by the Institute for Research in Integrated Strategies.

The study covered 391 primary schools in three urban local authorities in England.

Annual Report from

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