What’s up on the web

It’s time to say goodbye to the Electronic Library for Social Care but few will mourn its passing as many found it a bit of a nightmare to navigate. ELSC has been replaced with socialcare online, a more user-friendly site with a regularly updated searchable database on just about any aspect of social care you’d want to know about. www.scie-socialcareonline.org.uk.

Scie’s main website is also worth a look as it’s quite a mine of information. It links to Scie’s new people management site which follows the journey of an employee from recruitment to the end of their employment and includes audits so you can assess how well your organisation is doing. See www.scie.org.uk and follow the link.

You might think www.scie.co.uk would also take you to the scie website – but no. Go to that web page and you will be thanked for enquiring about becoming a “social carer”. How come? Because scie also stands for Social Care in Essex. More mudflats than scie surely…

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