Planning for Life: Involving Adults with Learning Disabilities in Service Planning

Book Cover: Planning for Liam Concannon, Routledge
 ISBN 041535157X, 22.99


Is there evidence of service users really being involved in planning or are most attempts at this merely achieving “presence”?

In this study, Concannon poses this question about social policies and his own study findings of the real-life possible closure of a service, writes Diane Buddery.

Concannon’s detailed social and political history of the past three centuries will provide a good reference for social work or social policy students, although it may be a little heavy for some.

He provides a lively section on advocacy, with the views of those with learning difficulties, care managers and advocates adding flesh to the bones of the idea of involvement in service planning.

Overall, an interesting read although a little disappointing in terms of its conclusion with a look only at the obvious difficulties around tokenism in this field.

Diane Buddery is senior training manager, Cambridgeshire Learning Disability Partnership

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