As if prisons were not overcrowded enough, the Sun has discovered an unusual new breed of offender to top up the numbers….
The paper reported that “bad boy badgers” had overtaken Category C Erlestoke prison in Wiltshire in a spate of “jailhouse brock.” One warder was attacked by “the black-and-white tough nuts” who were pictured wearing shades and trilby hates and saying: “You dirty rat” and “Go ahead skunk, make my day.”
The Daily Mail is on the warpath against their old favourites teenage mothers again.
They surely win the prize for convoluted headline of the week with: “Truth about the triplets born to a 16-year-old…The disturbing story of THREE babies, ONE teenage mother, TWO half-brothers by different women and, guess what…a ZERO of a father who left before they were even born.”
But the final lines of the article offer a glimmer of hope in this gloomy scenario, where the 16-year-old mother tries to show it ain’t all bad, saying: “It’s not as hard as I thought it would be. The girls are sleeping through the night….the only bad part of the day is the early evening because they hate Emmerdale’s theme tune and cry whenever it comes on.”
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