Consultation in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services

Book Cover - Consultation in Child and AdolescentsConsultation in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
Edited by Angela Southall, Radcliffe
ISBN 1857758005, £29.95


Consultation is central to a child mental health service, yet there has been little evidence or even description of evolving models, writes Panos Vostanis.

In that respect, this book is a useful tool for all agencies involved in this complex process. Its key strength is the range of experience of chapter authors, as well their multi-agency background.
Several aspects of consultation are concisely described, that is with primary care services, schools, social services, paediatrics, children’s homes and youth offending teams. I found particularly interesting the attempt to integrate and apply therapeutic approaches (psychodynamic and solution-focused) to consultation, which should be the strength of the next generation of child mental health practitioners.

There are several levels of this well-edited text that will also be of interest, including commissioning, planning and starting a consultative service; anticipating and resolving difficulties; and case material.

Panos Vostanis is professor of child psychiatry, University of Leicester

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