The Big Question

Len Smith – Gypsy activist
Occasionally it could be permissible, depending on the status of the offence.  If the offence was against an adult, that surely shows no necessary predisposition to offend against children. However, there would have to be a system of monitoring to ensure that confidence in the individual was not misplaced.

Angie Lawrence – Single mother
I feel this is a most definite no! Where adults are working with children in a position of trust, there should be no leeway. As a parent, I would be horrified to find that someone who wason the
sex offenders register had been responsible for my children. Parents need to know that their children will be cared for and be safe.

Richard West – Inspired Services
No one on the register should be allowed to teach. Children’s safety is more important than anything else. I would like to see the various lists of “undesirables” brought together on one list, as Bichard recommended. I am worried about many parents with learning difficulties who will be left scared their children are at risk at school.

Kerry Evans – Parent of two autistic children
Many psychiatrists think sex offenders can be treated but not cured. It would be madness for an alcoholic to work in a pub and by allowing offenders listed on registers to work alongside children puts vulnerable members of society at risk. Government strategy on child protection does not seem to be cohesive.


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