Book Review: Cultural competence in family support

Fatima Husain
National Family and Parenting Institute
£29.00;  ISBN: 1903615399


This manual provides a theoretical background with practical information and suggestions on working with black, minority ethnic and faith families, write Bolu Heather and Tom Morris. 

The introduction includes a detailed history of the steps taken to ensure equal access to services in the public sector, including developments in anti-discrimination legislation, social work theories, and research and practice, incorporating a wide range of useful references.  It emphasises the shift away from a “one size fits all” model to a more individualised model of family support in order to help provide sensitive services appropriate to people from different cultures.

The in-depth background appears to be targeted at those familiar with the framework of social work rather than those from the health or voluntary sector. However, it does provide useful guidelines for all professionals on factors to be taken into account when working with different sectors of the community.

It gives a summary of the general beliefs of different faith groups you might be working with.  A few more case studies may have been useful to reinforce this.

Bolu Heather is Family Services Manager, Sure Start Homerton, and Tom Morris is Acting Deputy Program Manager, Sure Start West Green & Chestnuts

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