Professionalism and Practice: Culture, Values and Services
Star Rating: 4/5
John Astley, The Company of Writers
ISBN: 9780955183423, 9.50
This third volume of essays from John Astley is concerned with the community-based professions such as teaching, nursing, social work, and youth work and their related culture, values and services, writes Sue Bearman.
The collection includes knowledge and practice, the quest for the good community, the university lecturer as research-minded practitioner, and the flagship essay “The New Professionals”.
As a sociologist involved in the curriculum design on a wide range of courses for professional practitioners, Astley engages us in debates on competence-related curriculums and the integration of reflection into their design.
A key question for Astley is “What exists in the core curriculum to support reflective practice?” He locates debates in the context of the complex issues that affect the education of professional practitioners.
The essay on knowledge and practice could be updated for a more contemporary feel although it remains very pertinent as it draws us further into the ideological struggles in shaping the practitioner’s learning.
These essays are intellectually stimulating and raise fundamental issues – so give yourself time to consider the implications of your future involvement in professional practice developments.
Sue Bearman is senior lecturer, North East Wales Institute of Higher Education.
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