Front-line views

Do you think Scotland is better at dealing with antisocial behaviour among young people than England?
If so, why?

Jacqui Allison,lecturer in health and social care at Perth College
“We are better because we are a smaller country and it’s more localised. In England there are different ideas about
what’s acceptable and what’s not acceptable.”

Steven McClusky, health improvement team, Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS Board
“It’s probably much the same. I do not support the Scottish executive’s policy on young people. It’s very authoritarian in

Valerie Morrissey, senior care assistant, High Field Care, Perth
“England and Scotland are not heavy-handed enough. With things like breaking and entering or stealing, young people are just
given a slap on the wrist.”

Arthur Griffin project worker, Ayre Action for Mental Health
“It’s a lot more controllable than in England because of the size. Communities are much tighter.”

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