Liz Carroll is a recovering alcoholic and attends group therapy for her depression
Who has influenced you the most?
My mother because she was so punitive, controlling and manipulative.
Which professional has helped you most?
GP Fiona Alexander because she was there for me when I was extremely depressed.
What would make your life better?
Financial security.
What three words best describe you?
Loyal, funny, reliable.
What event most changed your life?
My father leaving when I was 12.
Who is your dream date?
Jetting over to Paris for dinner with Colin Farrell. He’s a bad boy!
What is your greatest achievement?
Giving up alcohol in 1983 after being addicted to it for 10 years.
When did you have the most fun?
Doing the Hoffman Process to look at my parents’ behaviour and its impact in August 2006. It was pleasure and pain.
What makes you angry?
Teenage girls getting pregnant. They treat their kids like dolls for a few months and then expect the state to take care of them.
Who do you most admire?
Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York, as she got herself financially OK again. She doesn’t give a damn about what people say and doesn’t pretend to be anything she’s not.
How would you like to be remembered?
As being a wonderful inspiration.
What’s your new year’s resolution?
Stick to my commitments.
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