Lord Laming will address The Victoria Climbie Memorial Lecture later this month to mark the seventh anniversary of the eight-year-old child’s death.
Victoria Climbie would have been celebrating her 16th birthday this year had she been saved from abuse at the hands of her great aunt Marie Therese Kouao and her boyfriend Carl Manning who were convicted of murder and child cruelty and sentenced to life imprisonment in January 2001.
When she died in February 2000, she was found with 128 separate injuries on her tiny frame.
Lord Laming chaired the public inquiry into Victoria’s death and the report found that there were 12 missed opportunities where she could have been saved. The report went on to provide the basis for the government’s Every Child matters agenda proposing radical reforms to children’s services.
The lecture will investigate the impact of the inquiry’s recommendations on care services and question what is Victoria’s legacy.
The Victoria Climbie memorial lecture will be held at Mahatma Gandhi Hall, Indian YMCA, 41 Fitzroy Street, London on Monday 26th February at 6.30pm. Call 020 8843 2333 for more details.
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