Louise Casey unveils plan to tackle the most antisocial families

Antisocial families will be allocated dedicated workers in 53 intervention projects announced by Louise Casey, the Home Office’s Respect tsar.
The projects, mooted last year in the government’s Respect action plan, will target 1,500 of the rowdiest families in England.
Casey said today: “These families can cause untold misery to those who have to live alongside them and destroy entire neighbourhoods with their frightening and disruptive behaviour. These projects grip families and use enforcement action and intensive help, and are proven to turn families around.
“These are families that in the past may have been written off by agencies as lost causes – but will now be offered the right help and incentives to become decent members of their community and give their children the opportunity to grow up with a chance in life.”
At the most intensive level, families will be supervised and supported in 24-hour residential units.

Government research on six pilot intensive family intervention projects last year found that complaints about and risk of antisocial behaviour stopped or reduced in the majority of cases.
Full list of family intervention project areas
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