In Control ‘can cut costs and empower’

A scheme to improve value for money in adult social care by giving users more control over their support was announced today (Thursday) by the Care Services Improvement Partnership.

The project brings together the In Control scheme, under which users assess their own needs and are then given a personal budget to purchase support, and Getting to Grips with the Money, a Csip programme to tackle mounting costs in learning difficulties.

The scheme, which will cover all adult care services, is the government’s clearest statement yet that it sees personal budgets as a way of saving money as well as empowering users. A Csip update on Getting to Grips with the Money, published today, said that while many councils had tried to achieve savings in adults’ social care by measures including tightening eligibility criteria, spending continued to increase.

But it also cited early results from an evaluation of In Control showing increased user satisfaction and evidence of cost savings.

Further information
In Control

Contact the author
  Maria Ahmed



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