Social worker 1: “So, that’s it then, no more ADSS. Just remind me again, what did it used to do?
Social worker 2: “Are you for real? For the past 36 years, the Association of Directors of Social Services has represented your boss and hundreds like him, making it possible for them to go on to bigger things – like leading inspection bodies.”
SW 1: “Oh. So what’s this new body all about then – Adass? Ridiculous sounding acronym, by the way”
SW 2: “I know – but slightly easier to say than the children’s equivalent. It’s going to do what it says on the tin: represent directors of adult social services – and hopefully help them put primary care trust chief executives in their place.”
SW 1: “So, did you get to go to the launch party then?”
SW 2: “Not important enough. I hear it was better than the Association for Children’s Services Directors launch though. Adass got Patricia Hewitt along to rally the troops and cut a giant cake. ADCS only got Beverley Hughes and a few vol-au-vents.”
SW 1: “Cake’s always a winner”
SW 2: “Exactly. Apparently the highlight was Adass’s new president, Anne Williams, putting on the ‘chain of high office’, embossed with previous presidents’ names. She managed to offend the past presidents in the room by saying they had all been heroes of hers when she was a young social work student. At least one miffed former president claimed to have still been in short trousers when Williams was at university”
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