The Practice Learning Taskforce identified in its final report in March 2006, that there was a ‘lack of any single nationally adopted set of standards by which to measure and develop the quality of practice learning’. As a result, in May 2006, a Practice Learning Quality Assurance Group was established by the GSCC to progress work on developing national quality standards for practice learning.
A small project group comprising of members from the General Social Care Council, Skills for Care Learning Resource Network, the National Organisation for Practice Learning (who had developed a draft code of practice for quality in practice learning), and a representative from a University was created to undertake the work.
Draft standards have now been developed, together with a draft philosophy questionnaire (piloted in the North West region) and a draft philosophy statement outlining the rationale and approach to quality standards and quality assurance. All these documents can be viewed at (go to national projects – quality standards for practice learning).
Three consultation events are now taking place in Leeds (27th April), Birmingham (30th April) and Taunton (3rd May). There will be whole audience voting on key issues and wider discussion in small groups on the draft standards.
Wider consultation will take place through the Community Care Website where the questions addressed in the consultation events are posted.
Comments and votes received at the events and through wider consultation will be collated and will inform the future direction of the project.
Comments are closed.