Author: EDWARDS Rhiannon T et al
Title: Parenting Programme for Parents of Children at Risk of Developing Conduct Disorder: Cost effectiveness analysis
Reference: British Medical Journal, 31.03.07, pp682-685
Abstract: This study analysed a group parenting programme delivered through Sure Start in the community. Sure Start areas in north and mid Wales were used in the study. Participants were parents of 116 children aged 36-59 months (87% of the clinical sample) at risk of developing conduct disorders defined by scoring over the clinical cut off on the Eyberg child behaviour inventory. Children were identified by health visitors and recruited by the research team. The intervention used was the Webster-Stratton Incredible Years basic parenting programme or a six-month waiting list control. The main outcome measure used was incremental cost per unit of improvement on the intensity score of the Eyberg child behaviour inventory. It was concluded that this programme improves child behaviour. It involves modest costs and demonstrates strong clinical effect.
Author: BARNETT Diane, TURK Jeremy
Title: Specific Disorders and Your Child’s Behaviour: A parent’s guide to behavioural phenotypes
Publisher: London, Contact a Family, 2003, 8p
Abstract: “Behavioural phenotype” is a medical term which describes behaviour associated with specific disorders, particularly those which lead to learning disabilities. These disorders may result from a genetic or other biological cause such as an infection early in life. These behaviours may include: common challenging behaviour emotional and temperamental tendencies learning disability and increased likelihood of psychiatric and psychological difficulties. Knowing the cause of the child’s condition and the reason for his or her behaviour can be helpful. Sometimes, a pattern of behaviour may be suggestive of the presence of an underlying genetic cause.
Author: HUTCHINGS Judy et al
Title: Parenting Intervention in Sure Start Services for Children at Risk of Developing Conduct Disorder: Pragmatic randomised controlled trial
Reference: British Medical Journal, 31.03.07, pp678-682
Abstract: This study evaluated a parenting scheme as a preventive intervention with parents of pre-school children at risk of developing conduct disorder. Eleven Sure Start areas in north and mid-Wales were used in the evaluation. The participants were 153 parents with children aged 36-59 months at risk of conduct disorder defined by using the Eyberg child behaviour inventory. This study showed the effectiveness of an evidence-based parenting intervention delivered with fidelity by regular Sure Start staff. It has influenced policy in Wales and provides lessons for England where, so far, Sure Start has not been as effective.
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