Author: THOMPSON, David
Title: Policy into practice: growing older with a learning disability.
Reference: Research Policy and Planning, 21(3), 2003, pp.71-78.
Abstract: Identifies the major support needs for older people with learning difficulties. Goes on to discuss the impact of two recent policy documents in England: the ‘National Service Framework for Older People’ and ‘Valuing people: a new strategy for learning disability in the 21st Century’ on the lives of older people with learning difficulties.
Title: Demonstrating control of decisions by adults with learning difficulties who have high support needs, 2001
Abstract: Choice and control are at the heart of developments for people with learning difficulties. The recent White Paper, Valuing people: A new strategy for learning disability for the 21st century, acknowledges this in its key principles. People with high support needs (who may be labelled as having severe or profound learning difficulties and may also have physical and sensory impairments) may find themselves excluded from these developments. Research by Values Into Action investigated how decision-making can be supported and demonstrated.
Title: What’s in working together?
Publisher: Department of Health, 2006
Abstract: Keys to Partnership is the name of a new report written by the Department of Health. It is about everyone working together to make life better for people with learning difficulties and their families. Keys to Partnership aims to provide practical ideas and suggestions on developing partnerships in adult services for people with learning disabilities. Much of the content will also be of relevance to children’s services.
Author: PRITCHARD, Andrew ROY, Ashok
Title: Reversing the export of people with learning disabilities and complex health needs.
Reference: British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 34(2), June 2006, pp.88-93.
Abstract: There is an increase in people with learning disabilities with offending and other disturbed behaviour who are placed in the local community and out of their area of origin. This study aims to compare clients placed locally and out of area. All authorities in an English region were surveyed and interviewed about their clients placed locally and out of area. External placements were common place and expensive and information about these clients was variable. The population was predominantly young and male requiring high levels of long term funding. To reduce flows of high cost clients out of area, there is a need to develop joined up commissioning, and monitoring of services and partnerships with local providers to increase capacity and improve quality. Better information would enable commissioning to become less reactive.
Author: Department of Health
Title: National minimum standards for adult placement schemes, 2004
Abstract: This document sets out National Minimum Standards for Adult Placement Schemes (AP Schemes), which form the basis on which the Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) will determine whether adult placements meet the needs of the people who use them, and safeguard and promote their welfare and quality of life.
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