Research Abstracts: Complaints and adult protection

TITLE: An inspector calls: adult protection in the context of the NSFOP review
REFERENCE: Journal of Adult Protection, 9(1), March 2007, pp4-14

ABSTRACT: This article reports on the findings of the inspections and consultations undertaken as part of the evaluation of the National Service Framework for Older People. It focuses on what was found out about the implementation of adult protection systems. The article synthesises the inspectors’ findings, draws on older people’s comments in meetings and reports the results from a survey. Together, these sources of information reveal that adult protection systems are in place, and that the majority of older people say that they know who they can talk to if they want to report concerns. However, older people and their families weigh up the decision to make complaints carefully. Questions are raised about the interface between adult protection and concerns about the dignity and quality of hospital care.

TITLE: Care homes for older people: national minimum standards and the Care Homes Regulations 2001
TITLE: Stationery Office, London, 2003. 91p, bibliog

ABSTRACT: This document contains a statement of national minimum standards published by the secretary of state under section 23(1) of the Care Standards Act 2000. The statement is applicable to care homes (as defined by section 3 of that Act) which provide accommodation, together with nursing or personal care, for older people. Each standard is, for explanatory purposes only, preceded by a title and an indication of the intended outcome in relation to that standard. The standards are grouped under the following key topics, which highlight aspects of individuals’ lives identified during the stakeholder consultation as most important to service users: choice of home; health and personal care; daily life and social activities; complaints and protection; environment; staffing, management and administration.

TITLE: Older people as consumers in care homes
PUBLISHER: Office of Fair Trading, London,1998.64p

ABSTRACT: Inquiry looking at care homes and focusing on: what information was provided to residents about their future home; what contracts were used; how the financial affairs of residents were handled; and what mechanisms existed to address complaints from residents or their representatives. The findings are based on the views of residents, relatives, pressure groups, government departments, local authorities and health authorities.

TITLE: Joining up adult protection and the disciplinary process
REFERENCE: Journal of Adult Protection, 8(1), May 2006, pp 4-10

ABSTRACT: Behaviour that is adult abuse may be reported through several different frameworks (for example complaints procedures and incident reporting procedures) with it being realised that adult protection procedures need to be activated as well. This article examines how adult abuse can be reported through the disciplinary  framework, and therefore how adult protection and the disciplinary process need to be joined.

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Handling complaints from older people in care


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