Research abstracts: Adults with learning disabilities

Author: Liz Neil, Lynne Wilmot
Title: Activity planning for inclusion: the Somerset approach
Reference: Learning Disability Review, 11(3), July 2006, pp13-20.

Abstract This article describes the “My Day” model developed in Somerset for activity planning for inclusion, where people living in 24-hour staffed accommodation ceased attending traditional day services and now participate in day and evening activities arranged within or from their home. The model is a structure for care staff to ensure they support people with learning disabilities to engage in everyday activities both at home and in the wider community. It is also a way to arrange individualised daily household tasks, personal self-care, hobbies, social arrangements and other activities with people with learning disabilities. A recording process is integral to My Day to enable statistical returns to be produced that inform service delivery at the point of delivery. Its main purpose is to ensure that people with learning disabilities remain at the centre of daily activity planning and that their wishes and aspirations are recognised.

Author: Scottish Executive
Title: Make my day! The same as you? National Implementation Group: report of the Day Services Sub Group
Publisher Edinburgh: Scotland. Scottish Executive, 2006

Abstract: The Same as You? review of services for people with learning disabilities was published in 2000. It set out a 10-year programme of change that would support children and adults with learning disabilities and autism spectrum disorders to lead full lives, giving them choice about where they live and what they do. People with learning disabilities and family carers were involved at all stages of the review and their experience of life with learning disabilities shaped the vision for the future. Day services have played an important role for people with learning disabilities and their family carers. The Same as You? recognises the importance of these services but also recognises that people were not getting opportunities to express what they wanted to do.

Author: Charles Henley
Title: Learning disabilities: the rise and potential demise of structured day services for adults with learning disabilities: 1955-2005
Publisher: Wimborne Minster, Dorset: Minster Press, 2005

Abstract: The haste to replace structured services with unproven “normalisation and inclusiveness” policies has led to an alarming policy vacuum. This book charts the development of day services for adults with learning disabilities, with the aim of enabling layman, practitioner or professional, to reach their own conclusions.

Author: Steve Beyer
Title: Working lives: the role of day centres in supporting people with learning disabilities into employment.
Reference: Llais, No.73, Summer 2004, pp3-7.

Abstract: Summarises a research project jointly commissioned by the Department for Work and Pensions and the Department of Health, which explored how day centres are addressing employment, the relationships between day centres and employment related organisations, and the views and experiences of those who attend day centres and their carers. The research was undertaken to understand current provision and how employment opportunities for people with learning disabilities can be extended.

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Community-based day activities for adults with learning disabilities


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