Opinion: If only New Labour had the courage and genuineness of Iain Duncan Smith

The recommendations in Breakthrough Britain will split the Tories between the compassionates, like Iain Duncan Smith, and the taxcutters, writes Bob Holman.

No wonder David Cameron has not committed himself.

The best part of the report concerns the third sector. It wants to reverse the trend by which 18 super charities take an eighth of all charitable income, leaving small agencies and community groups underfunded.

One proposal is a website to publicise the small bodies along with a system of trustmarking groups which would receive enhanced Gift Aid donations leading to an average income of £100,000. National Lottery cash should be directed more to locally-run projects.

Recently I attended the Centre for Social Justice’s annual money awards to small charities. One recipient was Open Door from Newcastle which accommodates destitute asylum seekers.

It says much for the genuineness and courage of Iain Duncan Smith and his colleagues that they support the kind of service which is unpopular with New Labour and the right-wing tabloids.

Bob Holman is an author and voluntary neighbourhood worker in Glasgow

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