Title: Meeting the mental health needs of refugees, asylum seekers and immigration detainees
Reference: Social Perspectives Network, 2006
Abstract The mental health needs of asylum-seekers and refugees are of particular concern in London. Organisations are working to find out more about the barriers asylum seekers and refugees face in accessing mental health care. It is also important to identify current initiatives and good practice, including employment of refugees in health and social care.
Author: PERRY John
Title: Housing and support services for asylum seekers and refugees: a good practice guide
Reference: Chartered Institute of Housing, 2005
Abstract: Secure housing is probably the most basic need for an asylum seeker or refugee. This practical guide takes this as its starting point. But it also argues that housing providers – well placed to establish the links between different agencies – could go further: helping people sustain their tenancies and providing or co-ordinating other kinds of support. Illustrated by nearly 50 practical examples, this guide looks at: partnership working to deliver support services resources – funding, staff training and information sources developing a refugee strategy legal entitlements to housing and benefits and current policy developments.
Author: HARRIS Jennifer
Title: “All doors are closed to us”: a social model analysis of the experiences of disabled refugees and asylum seekers in Britain
Reference: Disability and Society, 18(4), June 2003
Abstract: This article undertakes a social model analysis of the experiences of disabled refugees and asylum seekers, who are among the most socially and economically disadvantaged members of society. The statuses of disability, refugee and ethnic group are each linked to discrimination and oppression, yet little consideration has been paid to the particular cumulative constellation of oppressions experienced by disabled refugees and asylum seekers. In this article, several models are presented that demonstrate that disabled refugees and asylum seekers experience barriers to health and safety in their country of origin, such as impairment-creation through torture and war. Once in the UK barriers to social services, benefits and social contact prove similarly insurmountable.
Title: Planning better outcomes and support for unaccompanied asylum seeking children: consultation paper: a summary
Publisher: National Council of Voluntary Child Care Organisations, 2007
Abstract: This is a consultation from the Home Office about the processes surrounding unaccompanied asylum seeking children. It concentrates on the immigration and care arrangements for young people while they are under 18, but also considers issues affecting this group once they reach 18.
Author: PENROSE Jan
Title: Poverty and asylum in the UK
Publisher: Oxfam/Refugee Council, 2002
Abstract: This study collected evidence from 40 organisations working with asylum seekers in England and Scotland. Asylum seekers have barely enough money to buy food and to maintain an adequate diet, and often experience poor health and hunger. They cannot buy enough clothes or shoes and the level of payments to them does not equate with UK resident claiming income support.
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