Office of the Third Sector

The OTS was created in May 2006 by the amalgamation of the Home Office’s Active Communities Directorate and the Social Enterprise Unit of the Department for Trade and Industry. Situated within the Cabinet office, the OTS was placed within the centre of government and indicative of the government’s commitment to the third sector.


The office’s aim is to develop an environment which enables the third sector to thrive and make its contribution to society, the economy and the environment. Its themes are to enable campaigning and empowerment for those at risk of social exclusion. It also aims to strengthen communities by drawing together people from different sections of society. It wants to transform public services through delivery, design, innovation and campaigning, as well as enabling the growth and development of social enterprise.


Director: Campbell Rob

Address: 35 Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3QP

Telephone: 0207 276 6400


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