The future of social work: Video clips from National Children and Adult Services Conference

The General Social Care Council this week launched a draft statement describing the roles and tasks of social workers after the government commissioned the project to help shape the modernisation of social care services for children and adults.

The aim of the work surrounding the document is to improve the status of the sector and increase the confidence of people using services.

At the same time this week, the Conservative Party launched the findings of their policy review into the role, status and image of social workers who work with children.

At this crucial time of change, we attended the annual National Children and Adult Services Conference 2007 in Bournemouth and asked a range of experts how they think the role of social work will change over the next few years.

Listen to our various video clips of what the experts including shadow health minister Tim Loughton, ADASS president Anne Williams, ADCS president John Coughlan and BASW chief executive Ian Johnston think about the future of social work.

 “They [social workers] are rather like hippopotamuses – you know what they are when they walk in the room but it’s not that easy to define them.” GSCC president Rodney Brooke introduces the roles and tasks statement.  


We need to lift the whole game of the profession.” Shadow health minister Tim Loughton discusses the findings of the Conservative social work commission.


“We need to go back to a rounded approach to social work.” ADASS president Anne Williams on the future of social work.


What social workers deal with is awesome.” BASW chief executive Ian Johnston reflects on the GSCC’s statement.


“As we develop processes around administrating care plans we need to ensure we don’t lose the core skills of working with people.” ADCS president John Coughlan ponders the future direction of the profession.


“I still believe there is a social worker task.” ADASS honorary secretary John Beer on the challenges facing social work.


“There’s a lack of clarity around what social workers do.” Amanda Hatton, from Skills for Care, explains how the statement will help the profession.

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