Adoption Law Manual
Adoption Undone – A painful story of adoption breakdown
Adolescence and Delinquency – An Object Relations Approach
A Multidisciplinary Handbook of Child and Adolescent Mental Health for Frontline Professionals
A New Tomorrow: A Resettlement and Leaving-Care Resource for Residential Staff
Anger management games for children
A Practitioner’s Tool for the Assessment of Adults Who Sexually Abuse Children
Art Matters: Renoir Landscapes
A Safe Place for Caleb – An Interactive Book for Kids, Teens and Adults with issues of Attachment, Grief and Loss, or Early Trauma
Ask the Family
Assessing the Support Needs of Adopted Children and their Families: Building Secure New Lives
Attachment Handbook for Foster Care and Adoption
Babies and Young Children in Care: Life Pathways Decision-making and Practice
Being Seen and Heard – The Needs of Children with Mental Illnesses
Beyond Listening: Children’s Perspectives on Early Childhood Services
Birth Fathers and their Adoption Experiences
Boys Own: Supporting Self-Esteem and Emotional Resourcefulness
Boys Who Have Abused: Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with Victim/Perpetrators of Sexual Abuse
Broadening Horizons
Can the State be a Good Parent? Making the Difference for Looked After Children and Care Leavers
Can You Read Me? Creative Writing with Child and Adult Victims of Abuse
Celebrating Children
Changing Children’s Services: working and learning together
Child Abusers: Research and Controversy
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
Child and Adolescent Therapy: Science and Art
Child Care Law – A Summary of the Law in England and Wales
Child Care Law: Scotland (Fifth Edition)
Child Neglect: Practice Issues for Health and Social Care
Child in Mind. A Child Protection Handbook
Child Protection and Mental Health Services
Child Support Handbook (13th Edition)
Child Support Handbook (15th edition)
Child Support Handbook (16th edition)
Child Welfare Services for Minority Ethnic Families: The Research Reviewed
Children and Families in Communities
Children First: Disabled Children and Their Families
Children Law: An Interdisciplinary Handbook
Children’s Rights and Power
Children These Days
Children Who Commit Acts of Serious Interpersonal Violence: Messages from Best Practice
Children, Youth and Adults with Aspergers Syndrome Integating Multiple Perspectives
Child Welfare: Historical Dimensions, Contemporary Debate
City Survivors: Bringing up children in disadvantaged neighbourhoods
Cleveland 20 years on
Come and Play
Communicating with Vulnerable Children
Conduct Disorder and Behavioural Parent Training
Connecting with children – developing working relationships
Constructive Campaigning for Autism Services: The Pace Parents’ Handbook
Contemporary Risk Assessment in Safeguarding Children
Coordinating Services for Included Children
Coronation Street portrayal of social worker breaks stereotypes
Cost of Foster Care: Investing in our Children’s Future
Could You Be My Parent: Adoption and Fostering Stories
Counselling Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse, third edition
Culture and Child Protection: Reflexive Responses
Dad’s Space 1-2-1
Death of a Social Worker
Direct Work: Social work with children and young people in care
First Response to Grief and Loss – For Practitioners Dealing with Children and Young People
Guiding Your teenager with Special Needs through the Transition to Adult Life: Tools for Parents
Hello Dad: Finding your Father and Getting to Know Him
Helping Adolescents and Adults to Build Self-Esteem
Helping Families with Troubled Children: A Preventive Approach
Identifying Emotional and Psychological Abuse: A Guide for Childcare Professionals
Improving the Health and Well-Being of Young People Leaving Care
Insider: Orphanages
Interdisciplinary Work in Child Welfare
Interventions for children at risk of developing antisocial personality disorder
It’s Someone Taking a Part of You. A Study of Young Women and Sexual Exploitation
Joined-Up Youth Justice
Kinship Care – fostering effective family and friends placements
The Leaving Care Handbook: Helping and Supporting Care Leavers
Like Being Rich
Listening to Children: A Practitioner’s Guide
Making and Breaking Children’s Lives
Making Sense of the Children Act 1989
Making Sense of Every Child Matters. Multi-professional practice guidance
Making Sense of the New Adoption Law: A Guide for Social and Welfare Services (Second Edition)
Making Your Mind Up
Missing Side of the Triangle
Models of Adoption Support: What Works and What Doesn’t
NCMA guide to children’s safety
New Developments in Childcare Practice and Research: Adoption & Fostering
New Families, Old Scripts: A Guide to the Language of Trauma and Attachment in Adoptive Families
New Politics Of Youth Crime
Nutmeg gets a little help
Nutmeg Gets in Trouble
Overcoming Loss: activities and stories to help transform children’s grief and loss
Parental Alienation: How to Understand and Address Parental Alienation Resulting from Acrimonious Divorce or Separation
Parenting and Disability: Disabled Parents’ Experiences of Raising Children
Parental Substance Misuse and Child Welfare
People under Three: Young Children in Day Care
The Presence of the Therapist
Protecting Children: Developing Basic Skills
Raising Biracial Children
Reaching the Vulnerable Child: Therapy with Traumatised Children
Reclaiming childhood
Recruiting, Assessing and Supporting Lesbian and Gay Carers and Adopters
Related by Adoption
Relative Benefits: Placing children in kinship care
Remaking Social Work with Children and Families
Resistance: A Ritual Abuse Survivor Speaks Out
Responding to Adolescents
Rethinking Families
Safeguarding Children and Schools
Safeguarding Children and Young People – A Guide to Integrated Practice
Safeguarding Children and Young People
Safeguarding and Promoting the Well-being of Children, Families and Communities
Searching Questions: Identity, Origins and Adoption
Secret Lives: Growing with Substance: Working with Children who live with Substance Misuse
Seeing Through New Eyes, Spaces of Social Exclusion & Young People in Care and Criminal Behaviour
Seminars in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Shattered Lives: children who live with courage and dignity
Social Care with Young People
Social Work and Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Social Work with Children, Young People and their Families in Scotland
Social Work with Looked After Children
Speaking about the Unspeakable: Non-Verbal Methods and Experiences in Therapy with Children
Speaking Out: A guide for advocates for children and young people with learning disabilities
Special Guardianship: What Does It Offer Children Who Cannot Live With Their Parents?
Support Care: How Family Placement Can Keep Children and Families Together
Supporting a Child with Learning Disabilities and Challenging Behaviour
Supporting Children in Public Care in Schools: A Resource for Trainers of Teachers, Carers and Social Workers
Supporting Older Families: Making a real difference
Talking about Adoption to your Adopted Child
Teenage Pregnancy and Parenthood: Growing up Fast
Ten top tips on Managing Contact
Therapeutic Communities for Children and Young People
The Child in Mind – A Child Protection handbook (Third edition)
The Children (Scotland) Act 1995 in the context of the Human Rights Act 1998
The Child’s Journey Through Care
The Child’s Own Story: Life Story Work with Traumatized Children
The Developing World of the Child
The Good Child Care Guide
The Lost Child
The National Evaluation of Sure Start: does area-based intervention work?
The Other Glass Ceiling: The Domestic Politics of Parenting
The Pursuit of Permanence
The RHP Companion to Family Support
The Role of Concurrent Planning
The Truth is No Longer a Lie: Children’s Experiences of Abuse and Professional Interventions
The Wonder Year (DVD review)
Trauma, Attachment and Family Permanence: Fear Can Stop You Loving
Views and Experiences of Disabled Children and Their Siblings: A Positive View
Violence and Mental Health in Everyday Life: Prevention and Intervention Strategies for Children and Adolescents
What Does Adopted Mean? A Young Child’s Guide to Adoption
What works in strategic partnerships for children
When the saints go marching in
When Satan Came to Town
When Your Baby Cries
Working with Children and Young People who Sexually Abuse – Taking the Field Forward
Working with Parents of Young People: Research, Policy and Practice
Working with Young People in Europe
Working with Young People – Legal Responsibility & Liability
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