A Blessing and a Curse: Autism and me
Care Trusts: Partnership Working in Action
Health, Well-being and Older People
I Can’t Walk but I Can Crawl: Living with Cerebral Palsy
Improving the Health and Well-Being of Young People Leaving Care
Integrating Health and Social Care and Making it Work
Interprofessional Collaboration. From Policy to Practice in Health and Social Care
Leading Change in Health and Social Care
(my) Dying Is Fun, A Comedy of Disabled Misadventures
New Primary Care
One Unknown: A Powerful Account of Survival and One Woman’s Inspirational Journey to Recovery and a New Life
Rethinking Palliative Care: A Social Role Valorisation ApproachHealth and Social Care Divide: The Experiences of Older People (Revised 2nd Edition)
Spirituality and the Practice of Healthcare
Talking About Spirituality in Health Care Practice: A Resource for the Multi-disciplinary Health Care Team
Third Party Assisted Conception Across Cultures: Social, Legal and Ethical perspectives
Thomas Coram, Gent
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