Birmingham City Council’s Adults and Communities Directorate is committed to developing and improving residential services for its citizens as outlined within its Older People’s Commissioning Strategy. These 10-year contracts will deliver quality outcomes for the citizens of Birmingham.
Older Adults (Tender Reference: OAF)
The Council is seeking to procure a total of 183 new flexible-use care home places for older people across the City from a pool of providers. To be eligible to apply for the tender applications must be for new build places. No successful organisation will be awarded more than 40% of the overall total (450) of contracted places, including those already procured. Organisations must be able to offer a flexible and changing provision over the duration of the Contract to meet the strategic needs of the City’s citizens as identified by the Adults and Communities Directorate. These places, initially spread across four districts, will need to become operational between mid 2009 and early 2010.
The following criteria will be used in the evaluation process of the older people places in the following order of priority:
- Ability to meet the strategic flexibility of provision, and quality of provision
- Geographic location, planning status and operational timescale
- Price
- Technical capability
There is an expectation that the price tendered will be a fair market price, without RNCC, for the quality we are purchasing for the citizens of Birmingham.
Birmingham City Council expects applicants to demonstrate an awareness, understanding and commitment to the pursuit of equal opportunities in terms of service delivery and employment practice.
The process will be as follows:
Advice session on the tender 11th December 2007
Closing date for applications to be returned by 12.00 Noon 11th January 2008
Stage 1 paper evaluation week 18th January 2008
Stage 2 presentations and interviews to service users and carers 29th and 30th January 2008
Stage 3 discussions/clarification of tender with commissioners 6th February 2008
Requests for Tender Application packs should be in writing, by e mail, or by telephone, quoting the appropriate Tender Reference(s) to:
Service Contracts – Older Adults Team
1st Floor, New Aston House
Alma Street
Newtown, Birmingham B19 2RL
Duty Desk Tel 0121 303 3893
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