Understanding Health and Social Care

  Understanding Health and Social Care
  Jon Glasby,
  Policy Press
  ISBN 9781861349101

  Star rating: 4/5

Jon Glasby gives a comprehensive historical perspective of health and social care services, together with a review and analysis of them now, writes Lynne Richardson.

The content focuses on the increasing move towards joint working and the advantages and disadvantages associated with this.

Glasby puts forward a number of theoretical frameworks to support current policy and practice dilemmas which are examined in some depth. These enable the reader to gain an understanding of many of the issues faced by practitioners. For example, the section on service users’ “cross-cutting needs” is a common factor within health and care provision but one not always addressed in any depth in other text books.

The content of this book is presented clearly and logically. The shaded boxes in each chapter provide additional information to support the main body of text and the overview and summary at the beginning and end of each chapter ensure that the reader can quickly find the material they require.

Reflective exercises have been included and throughout the book there are case studies which can be used to provoke debate in a teaching environment.

This book provides useful reading for social policy and social work students at university but also contains information which would be relevant for students following level 3 courses in health or social care.

It is an invaluable resource for those teaching on these programmes.

Lynne Richardson is director of learning at Hull College

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