Practitioners’ Messages

Ensure that service users are asked how they would like to be addressed and that staff respect this.

Ensure older people are given all the information on the service, in the appropriate format and, wherever possible, in advance.

When recruiting staff, ensure acceptable levels of spoken and written English.

Consider the specific training needs of overseas staff.

Where service users do not speak English, provide translation services in the short term and seek culturally appropriate services in the long term.

Care planning should include opportunities for service users to talk with staff regularly.

Always ask what people want – avoid making assumptions based on culture, ability or any other factors.

Ensure staff have training so they can communicate with service users with cognitive or communication difficulties.

Ensure that time for proper handover of information, written or spoken, is scheduled in for staff.

Involve older people in the production of information resources.

Facilitate ways of getting the views of service users, such as through residents’ meetings.


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