Antisocial behaviour

This article contains articles about the government’s aims to combat antisocial communities and the reaction from lobby groups who feel young people have been targeted by the legislation. It also contains relevant articles about antisocial behaviour and jobs.

What is antisocial behaviour?

Anti-social behaviour (ASB) includes a variety of behaviour that can blight the quality of community life.

Examples include:

  • nuisance neighbours
  • rowdy behaviour
  • intimidating groups taking over public spaces
  • vandalism and graffiti
  • people dumping rubbish
  • begging and anti-social drinking

The Home Office has identified four factors that do not cause antisocial behaviour but can increase the risk of it happening.

Latest antisocial behaviour jobs

Family environment

Risk factors include:

  • poor parental discipline and supervision
  • family conflict (between parents or between parents and children)
  • family history of problem behaviour
  • parental involvement/attitudes condoning problem behaviour

Schooling & educational attainment

Risk factors include:

  • aggressive behaviour (e.g. bullying)
  • lack of commitment to school
  • school disorganisation
  • school exclusion and truancy patterns
  • low achievement at school

Community life / accommodation / employment

Risk factors include:

  • community disorganisation and neglect
  • the availability of drugs and alcohol
  • lack of neighbourhood attachment
  • growing up in a deprived area within low income families, high rates of unemployment and a high turnover of population
  • areas where there are high levels of vandalism

Personal and individual factors

Risk factors include:

  • alienation and lack of social commitment
  • early involvement in problem behaviour
  • attitudes that condone problem behaviour
  • for young people, a high proportion of unsupervised time spent with peers and friends or peers involved in problem behaviour
  • mental illness
  • early involvement in the use of illegal drugs and crime



The government’s tough stance against antisocial behaviour emerged in March 2003 when the Home Office published a white paper Respect and Responsibility.

The then home secretary David Blunkett published the paper which included a number of measures designed to tackle antisocial behaviour including:-

  • Parenting orders for parents of children acting antisocially
  • Fixed penalty notices for noisy neighbours
  • Intensive fostering for children from dysfunctional families
  • Parenting contracts for parents of truanting children
  • Antisocial tenants losing the right-to-buy
  • Beggars to face a community penalty after three convictions

The white paper paved the way for the Antisocial Behaviour Act 2003.

The Act included measures to extend fixed penalty notices fining scheme to 16 and 17 year olds and to allow police to disperse groups of children. People found guilty of antisocial behaviour could also have their tenancies demoted.

Related articles

Parents to be punished for anti-social children

Blunkett’s plans leave social workers in quandary over ‘enforcement’ role


Police and other agencies can issue the following interventions:

  • warning letters and interviews, contracts and agreements
  • fixed penalty notices and penalty notices for disorder
  • parenting orders, Individual Support orders, Noise Abatement Notices, Injunctions, dispersal powers and Anti-Social Behaviour Orders
  •  ‘crack house’ closure orders
  • possession proceedings against a tenant


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